
oh no! yet another cool kickstarter project!

I’m still waiting to receive my AUUG motion controller, but regular progress reports show that everything is on track. If I had more ready cash I’d be tempted to invest in this 3D controller for modelling software. Unfortunately, it requires a significant commitment to obtain the modelling software, and then there’s the time commitment after that to become familiar with the system, and then there’s the whole 3D printing aspect… So, sadly,  I think I’ll  have to let this opportunity pass. But I wish the makers well. It looks a great idea.


Monday, February 10th, 2014 3D, hardware No Comments


I’ve invested in two Kickstarter projects so far: The Nature of Code by Daniel Shiffman and  B Squares by Jordan McRae.  Of these two, I’ve had and will have more use for the former. I’m not a musician, but I’m seriously considering investing in the Motion Synth by AUUG, a device and app to “transform your iPhone or iPod touch into an intuitive and expressive motion-controlled musical instrument.”

The AUUG app converts your iOS device’s motion sensor data into signals for shaping sound, and transfers these signals to other iOS sound apps or external devices. The AUUG app does not produce its own sounds, but instead acts to control other iOS audio apps running on the same device (as well as external devices), thereby giving the user the freedom and flexibility to choose from a much larger range of sounds than a single app could provide.

The AUUG app can be installed on iPhones (4S and up) and iPod touch devices (5th generation and up). It:

  • Lets you play notes and alter their sound through motion.
  • Is simple to use and can be set-up within seconds.
  • Can expressively control a vast array of sounds on your iPhone or iPod touch by ‘playing’ other audio apps.
  • Allows you to intuitively shape vocal harmonies and effects in real time by controlling harmonizer hardware devices or effect apps.
  • Can wirelessly control software on a laptop or desktop computer.
  • Can control non-wireless music hardware via MIDI cable.
  • Will allow you to design your own forms of motion-based sound control, and share them with others.

I’ve long been a fan of Laurie Anderson with her vocal pitch adjustments, and body percussion. I don’t know what she uses these days but the sight of her playing back the recording tape on her violin bow was very striking. and this seems to be an excellent opportunity to have a digital equivalent tool.


Sunday, November 24th, 2013 hardware, music No Comments

interactive 3D!

inFORM is a Dynamic Shape Display that can render 3D content physically, with the air of a street magician distracting you from his weight of hand. This 3D interface is so much cooler than those interactive displays in Minority Report where Tom Cruise slides flat images around and summons them to perform at his bidding like the Sorcerer’s Apprentice splitting broomsticks. or his master controlling water.


Tuesday, November 19th, 2013 hardware No Comments


Yesterday was definitely a day of exploration. After testing the slit scan rig during the day (more of that in tomorrow’s post), I drove down to Birmingham, through torrential rain, to the circuit-bending session that I mentioned recently.

It was a long way to go but I enjoyed it, and learned a few useful techniques. Antonio persevered with his toy classroom, with its jaunty little tune and farewell phrase “A B C you later!” and another guy worked away at a Furby, inserting long wires that he could combine from a distance to get some scrambled noises.

And the result of my efforts? I dismantled the percussion beats toy, but despite trying to connect various parts at random to stumble over unusual effects, I didn’t discover any. I turned my attention to the digger and eventually managed to dismantle it to reveal the electronics inside. I wired up an alternative power source to avoid the corroded contacts in the battery bay so that it finally worked, but, like the percussion beats toy, I wasn’t able to do anything interesting with it.

Still, I enjoyed the session. Shame it’s a long way to go. Apparently there may be a similar group starting in the Stoke-on-Trent area, so I may pursue other options closer to home, but I’ll keep in touch with these guys in Birmingham because they run regular sessions as well as hold Processing and Arduino evenings.



Thursday, June 10th, 2010 hardware No Comments

‘hack-hack-hack-hack-hack it apart’ – the v. femmes

For the first time in my life I went to a car boot sale yesterday. But that’s not the significant part. I went with the specific purpose of buying electronic toys to take to my first circuit-bending session. With hindsight, I should perhaps have concentrated on toys that make noise, but in a fairly aimless wander, I bought a digger truck, a steering wheel controller for driving games, and, almost as an afterthought, a percussion-themed touch pad.

I have no idea what, if anything, I could achieve with them, but then I don’t suppose anyone does when they start.


Monday, June 7th, 2010 hardware 1 Comment

creatures that draw

While I was busy at #spacearduino in London,  there was much greater geekery going on, at the Maker Faire over in the California. In principle, I like the idea of adapting cars, whether with Lego panels or just general stuff, though I can’t imagine ever doing anything similar to my own car. I can imagine, however, trying to make some artbots, so I had a look round the web and found this collection from 2008. It turns out (though I shouldn’t be surprised) that there’s a lot of these things around.


Thursday, May 27th, 2010 art, hardware No Comments

more parts required

The breakout board for the touchscreen connector arrived in the post today, but on reading through the project instructions more thoroughly, I’ve come across terms not mentioned in the parts list, such as a “a four-core strip of ribbon cable would come in handy” and “you can solder…” It also talks of some, but not all, touchscreens shipping with a shim attached, which is required to grip the connector cable.

I knew I wasn’t fully taking in the instructions for the project because the cold had muddled my head, but I hadn’t realised just how much. I’ve ordered some ribbon cable, and taken the opportunity to buy a USB A to B cable, to link the Arduino board to my laptop – a requirement I should have spotted a while ago!

I’ve yet to investigate whether my touchscreen has this scrim – I hope I can make it work without resorting to soldering.

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Wednesday, May 12th, 2010 coding, hardware No Comments


The package of parts for the touchscreen project arrived today. Well, I say package – it was just the touchscreen itself and a connector, but I’d failed to appreciate that I need not just the connector but also a breakout board to connect the connector to the rest of the project.

Perhaps it’s just as well. My head’s full of a cold just now, and who knows how much more confusion I could have caused myself while unable to concentrate properly. I’ve found a supplier for the breakout board, so will have to wait a few more days for it to arrive before I can try it out.

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Monday, May 10th, 2010 coding, hardware 1 Comment