

In the recent gap of four weeks or so when I wasn’t posting to this blog, I still kept checking all of my RSS feeds every day. I currently subscribe to 66 feeds, and although not all of them post every day, some are collections with perhaps fifty posts each day. In all, that’s a lot of posts to read. It’s hard to believe that there was nothing of interest in the whole of those four weeks. It’s more likely that the problem was to do with me. I couldn’t get motivated to do any of the things that I normally find enjoyable, and I certainly didn’t manage to do much of the stuff that ought to be done even though it isn’t enjoyable.

In that case, then, it must also be me that’s changing now, because I’m starting to find a few interesting things among all those feeds. First, there was the light projection inside a church in the Netherlands. Then there was a similar project on the exterior walls of a castle.

In a different vein altogether, I find Scaryduck can be quite amusing sometimes, although it becomes repetitive after a while. And to my amazement, I found a Microsoft advert that was funny, though it’s no coincidence that they had to withdraw it due to complaints.


Thursday, July 2nd, 2009 blogging No Comments

it’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life for me – n simone

It’s a new blog, too, with a new (but closely related) style. Time for a fresh start, I feel.


Monday, April 13th, 2009 blogging No Comments