on display

I rarely mention my work here, but a strange thing happened there recently.

I frequently walk past the interactive I created for the ceramics gallery, and even though it’s four years since it was finished, I always get a pleasant feeling when I see someone using it.

Yesterday, however, I saw some more of my work on display, and it felt far more significant. A frame from my animated logo for the Erasure exhibition is on the large banner at the entrance to the white gallery, and an advert for the exhibition has been put on display in the passenger lift. These promotional items have both been created by the museum’s designer, so they feel separate from me, as though they have an independent existence with an identity of their own.

That’s why they feel more significant than watching my animated logo at the start of the two looping DVDs I edited for display in the exhibition. That seems more directly connected to me, and therefore less interesting.

So how will it feel when the long version of the banner goes up on the railings outside the museum?

Saturday, January 22nd, 2011 coding

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